Tuesday, 21 November 2017


If you are offering document preparation services, then you know how much important it is for your business to accept credit cards online. For any small or large scale business the hardest part is to choose the correct credit card processor that fits the right technology and business needs. There are number of merchant account provider companies available in the eCommerce World and they offer many ways for business to accept credit cards. Right from a POS terminal to swipe cards to virtual terminals for MOTO transaction. Merchant Stronghold‘s latest Gateway API Technology allows businesses to accept e Commerce Transactions right from the business websites and/or back end system!

The best credit card processor for your business is one that understands, accepts and acknowledges Document Preparation Services Business [MCC 7276]. It’s very important to be set up with the Correct Acquiring Bank to Underwrite such business and issue Document Preparation Services a payment gateway. Merchant Stronghold works with businesses, learn their needs and offer multiple payment methods that are best suited for your products. A suitable credit card processor will also be budget friendly and won’t enforce restrictions just because your organization is small. Here are some of our credit card processing benefits:

Online Virtual Terminal and API Technology
It is an easy online solution that is used worldwide. It doesn’t ask you to pay setup fee, you can start processing right away. There are multiple checkout systems that you can integrate in your document preparation service website. It is packed with features and options that can be tailored to suite your business. Stronghold offers flexible credit card for all type of business with high and low sales. We have a budget friendly price and is best suited for document preparation services. It is designed especially for startups and small scale businesses. We also offer additional services like multi-currency account, extend credit to customers, and 24 hours support.

Secure Credit Card Processing for MCC 7276
It is one of the fast and easy way to accept credit cards offering credit card processing gateways and related services. If you operate in either retail, mail order, e-commerce, or telephone order, Merchant Stronghold is a suitable solution for your business.

Merchant Stronghold: Our methodology
To offer best credit card solution, we start by asking questions from business owners about their previous experience. We also ask what business they like and dislike, and whether they will recommend to others.

We create a list of options that will be suitable for your document preparation services. We also look closely on reputable similar businesses to find what they are using. When research is completed, Stronghold is able to provide the best possible credit card solution. Accept Payment Anytime, Anywhere.

Saturday, 18 November 2017

How do I Set up a Merchant Account?


Setting up a merchant account is very important and usually it’s not that hard to do it either. What makes a merchant account great is the fact that it allows your company to accept both credit and debit card payments. Usually you will need to have either an agreement with the bank that they process credit card payments or you can work with an independent sales organization, MSP and so on. Either solution works as long as you collaborate with a dedicated financial institution and have a designated point of sale system.

The first thing you have to do is to determine the way credit card payments will work for your company. This means that you need to figure out the type of credit card payments that you want to accept and how you accept those payments. You need to see if you accept website payments, if you want to use a POS solution or mobile payments. You will also have to think about the amount that you get from credit card sales to begin with.

Aside from that, when you create a new merchant account you will need to think about the merchant payment processing and you will also have to make a comparison between all the services offered to you. This way you will be able to see which one actually delivers the best value for your money, so you should consider that as fast as possible. Each merchant account provider has a flat rate that will be charged each time a payment is processed or it might have a percentage fee based on the total transaction amount.

Sometimes you will see that merchant provider options will have software and payment acceptance solutions. Of course, if you do opt for these merchant services you still need to have something that allows you to be in control. It might be challenging at first, but results will end up paying off quite a bit which is exactly what you want to focus on here. Having control over the way your customers pay is very important so try to keep that in mind.

Some of the merchants will set up your account and they will just require you to undergo a credit check and offer a personal guarantee. The application process might take some time though. Once that is done, the setup process will be completed and results will be impressive for sure. What you will like here is the fact that the process is seamless, once you apply for the merchant account, the provider will take care of everything. If you want to skip on some taxes or just want to deal with companies outside your country, you can work with an offshore account provider.

As you can see, setting up a merchant account isn’t that challenging to begin with. It will take some time though, so try to keep that in mind and it will help you quite a bit which is exactly what you want to have!

Friday, 17 November 2017

Why are payment processors important for online business?

 These days, a considerable measure of people goes online for shopping in view of the comfort that it presents. Buyers never again need to go to strip malls to purchase what they require! With just a few keystrokes and clicks, they can get the items they need to be conveyed ideal to their doorstep. For businesses, this is surely something they should exploit to profit by the extra income that activity from online shoppers can bring.

If you’re interested in making this happen for your business too, one of the first things you should do is to look for a trustworthy provider of a payment processing system that can facilitate you process credit cards and e-checks for online purchases.

One of the main things you have to do is Search a Reliable provider of payment processing system to process credit cards for online buys. A completely working business website needs to offer various payment options through their payment processors. By having convenient credit card processing readily available, potential buyers are encouraged to actually spend their money on your products and services. Giving Customers the ability to quickly make the purchase decision after the initial desire of the product directly increases your sales!

What you need to know about Payment Processing System

A completely practical business website that aims to sell products or services should have a variety of payment options. This would support potential buyers to really spend on your products or services when they see that you can process credit cards or accept credit card payments through payment methods that are helpful for them. Rather than simply showing your items on the web and sitting tight for individuals to come visit your store, why not give them the chance to shop from the solace of their own homes while giving them a protected online exchange involvement?

It can be made possible when you get in touch with a reputable provider of a payment processing system. Wherever money is involved, you should expect that customers can be more specific and be able to present a reliable online image can make or break your very own reputation. By taking the time to ensure you have completely practical, secure, and smooth payment processing system, you can show your customers that their financial security is also your concern while you both gain from your online trade.


Why confine your business’s growth when you can extend and provide to the more flexible payment options that your potential buyers require?

It can be achieved more when you have a good payment processing system to back you up. By we are offering your prospective buyer flexible payment alternative option you are attracting more people to your business and eventually contributing to your business’s online success!

If you’re looking for any kind of payment processing solutions, you’re in the right place! Visit our services page to find out how we can help you today! You can Call Us at +1888-622-6875 or Send us Email: info@merchantstronghold.com

Wednesday, 15 November 2017

Merchant Accounts/ POS systems fоr Liԛuоr Stоrеѕ MCC 5921

How you  can get the merchant Account Services (POS machine), for your Liquor Store.
A liԛuоr ѕtоrе iѕ a rеtаil ѕhор that sells рrерасkаgеd alcoholic beverages — tурiсаllу in bottles — intеndеd to bе consumed оff the store’s premises. Dереnding on region and lосаl idiom, thеу mау аlѕо bе саllеd bottle store, оff licence, bottle ѕhор, bottle-o, расkаgе ѕtоrе (in Bоѕtоn, саllеd a расkiе), ABC ѕtоrе, state ѕtоrе, or other similar terms. In Michigan thеу аrе knоwn as “Pаrtу Store”.

Liquor Stоrе Pоint оf Sаlе Systems
Diѕсоvеr thе Benefits оf a Liԛuоr Stоrе POS Sуѕtеm
Mоdеrn liԛuоr store роint оf ѕаlе (POS) ѕуѕtеmѕ dо muсh more than simply ring uр customers – thеу асt аѕ a hub thаt аllоwѕ уоu tо easily соnѕоlidаtе both frоnt- аnd bасk-еnd ореrаtiоnѕ in оnе рlасе.
Orgаnizing аnd trасking invеntоrу, ѕаlеѕ with our merchant account and mоrе will bе еаѕiеr аnd mоrе efficient with a quality liԛuоr store POS.

Fеаturеѕ likе intеgrаtеd payment рrосеѕѕing/ upto date merchant account services rеduсе thе possibility оf humаn еrrоr from mаnuаllу еntеring and rесоnсiling рауmеntѕ.
Bу еliminаting the nееd fоr rеdundаnt dаtа еntrу, you’ll have mоrе time tо meet with new liԛuоr ѕuррliеrѕ аnd еnѕurе you hаvе thе bеѕt ѕеlесtiоn in tоwn.

Liquor stores nееd a POS to bе bоth аffоrdаblе аnd reliable, but the bеѕt liԛuоr ѕtоrе POS ѕуѕtеmѕ comes еԛuiрреd with ѕеvеrаl timе-ѕаving features that will hеlр a buѕinеѕѕ grоw.

Pауmеnt рrосеѕѕing built right into уоur POS еnѕurеѕ fаѕt, reliable аnd ѕесurе trаnѕасtiоnѕ аnd kеерѕ сuѕtоmеrѕ happy bу ассерting аll mаjоr fоrmѕ оf рауmеnt in our merchant account.

Additionally, уоur liquor store роint оf ѕаlе can hеlр inсrеаѕе сuѕtоmеr loyalty thrоugh special promotions аnd offering gift саrdѕ. It will also аllоw уоu to instantly оffеr exclusive dеаlѕ to repeat customers, or flash mobile оffеrѕ to encourage сuѕtоmеrѕ tо spend mоrе.

On thе back еnd, liquor ѕtоrе POS ѕуѕtеmѕ саn seamlessly kеер your bеѕt ѕеlling products in ѕtосk with comprehensive invеntоrу fеаturеѕ and сuѕtоm reporting.

Thеѕе dеtаilеd reports will brеаk dоwn уоur busiest timеѕ оf dау, аѕ wеll аѕ the mоѕt popular itеmѕ ѕоld.

Even if you аrеn’t оnѕitе оr must attend to multiрlе locations, the infоrmаtiоn iѕ available with thе click оf a mоuѕе, meaning уоu can аlwауѕ kеер уоur eye on business even frоm afar. If you саn’t bе in the ѕtоrе уоurѕеlf, your POS can hеlр ensure ѕuffiсiеnt ѕtаffing at buѕу times with scheduling fеаturеѕ.

Vеrifоnе VX520 POS has аll these сараbilitiеѕ аnd much more, which mаkеѕ it an idеаl point оf sale ѕоlutiоn for your  Liԛuоr Stores.

With Vеrifоnе VX520 POS, itеmѕ can ԛuiсklу bе рut into inventory. Dеtаilѕ such аѕ thе рriсе thаt wаѕ раid (cost), dаtе rесеivеd, mark-up, mаrgin, quantity, аnd description аrе all rесоrdеd fоr each itеm.
Whеn prospective buyers hаvе ԛuеѕtiоnѕ, аnу infоrmаtiоn that wаѕ entered on thе item саn bе easily ассеѕѕ juѕt by scanning the рrоduсt. Cоmрlеtе rероrtѕ саn bе ассеѕѕеd tо review invеntоrу lеvеlѕ, invеntоrу value, ѕаlеѕ hiѕtоrу, or virtually any аѕресt of inventory аnd sales information thаt has bееn conducted оn the  ѕtоrе роint of ѕаlе system.

In a multi-store environment, еасh store location саn have “live-time” access tо invеntоrу information frоm ѕtоrе tо ѕtоrе. Buуеrѕ that аrе lооking fоr a ѕресifiс item can be rеdirесtеd, whеn that itеm iѕ present аt оnе оf your оthеr stores.

All оf the fеаturеѕ аbоvе are incorporated with more bу Mеrсhаnt Strоnghold whiсh includes;

Frее ѕhiррing tо аll сliеntѕ.
No ѕеtuр fее
Wе Suрроrt EMV, IP оr Diаl
nо Monthly Fee
48 Hоurѕ approval аnd lоtѕ mоrе,
Merchant Account/ Payment Gateways at best
Wоuld you love tо be раrt оf this?? Fееl frее to get in tоuсh ,wе’ll bе glad tо hеаr frоm уоu

Saturday, 11 November 2017

Card and Electronic Payment Acceptance


Card and Electronic Payment Acceptance

Accepting Payments from Credit Card, VISA, Master card with PCI, EMV, POS Merchant Account, E-checks, 100% safety with Merchant Stronghold
or any other electronic method is one of the fast and secured options for business to grow their business and customer’s trust. Our variety of electronic and card payment solutions and support will help your business to grow and use these technologies with confidence.

Retail outlets
Countertop Point of Sale terminal

If you are looking for an easy card payment acceptance solution with static POS terminal. Merchant Stronghold’s POS terminal solution is the best option for retail outlets that accepts debit and credit card payments. In addition to acceptance, this terminal also helps you to accept and check the loyalty gift transfers and cards.

EMV and other global wallet service acceptance of payment

Merchant Stronghold’s, latest technology-enabled NFC/EMV countertop solution for retail business will help you to collect payment by swiping the card or by online payment wallets like Apple Pay, Samsung Pay and others. Use of this technology will help you to grow confidence of customers as most of the adult smart phone users prefer paying by these services. Additionally, using EMV/NFC will help you to be ready for liability shift coming in upcoming years.

Online Payment acceptance
Virtual/Authorization terminal

Merchant Stronghold provides you the access of Application Program Interface (API), to connect with your e-Commerce website or application to collect electronic payment with security. As the API integration needs some of the pre-requirements to be fulfilled by the website in terms of security concerns we assist you to check if your application is PCI Compliant or not. This PCI Compliance creates a network layer which helps you to improve the reliability and security of your website or application.

Some e-Commerce websites offer subscription plans for their products. For this, business needs to have an additional solution deployed for recurring transactions is also provided by Merchant Stronghold. For clearing eCheck, Merchant Stronghold helps business to keep the track and also notifies businesses about the recurring needs to be done.

Mobile Point of Sale (POS)

There are few business types that sometimes demands to collect payment on the go. For this facility, Merchant Stronghold helps you get the access of mobile physical device to collect payment through cards by swiping. This is one of the advanced for merchant solution that is fulfilling the requirement of the merchants who are constantly working on the move.

Wоuld you lоvе to be раrt оf thiѕ?? Feel frее tо get in touch,wе’ll bе glаd to hеаr frоm уоu

Friday, 10 November 2017

High Risk Merchants

Do all domestic banks see more risk in your business? Do you wish to find any credit card processing solution that offers less trading limitations towards high risk merchant? Has your current merchant been closed by the acquiring bank due to your business changes. You may find the right solution with Merchantstronghold if your answer seems positive towards any these questions.

High risk industries see more approvals
Merchant Stronghold is of the opinion that all legitimate organizations should be able to accept credit cards over the internet. This includes organizations that have long been working in environments that never indulge in credit card processing. We serve various e-commerce industries with merchant accounts through our wide network of acquiring banks that operate internationally and across offshore sights.

5 merchant account features that reflect a higher risk

Credit cards offered by all major brands are recognized by Merchant Stronghold. These brands include China union Pay, JCB, Visa, Diner’s Club and MasterCard.
Commitment to safety and security through Maxmind, SSL Certificates and 3D Secure Processing.
Some 40 shopping carts that have gained popularity over the past few years are recognized by our payment gateway that’s PCI compliant.
Processing multiple currencies: A little over 160 currencies have been recognized by Merchant Stronghold.
Live technical support and customer care services: Call us or chat over the internet.

Factors that develop my high risk profile

A start-up business with little or without any history of processing credit cards
Bad history of bankruptcy and bad credit rating
Any industry depicting higher charge ratio e.g. tourism
Average ticket expense worth a higher amount e.g. airline ticket
Services or products based on subscriptions e.g. online magazines
Merchant account history following termination by any bank
A business that conducts bulk processing

How to bring down my risk profile

The high sales volume of e-commerce businesses often places them under the high-risk category. By setting up different merchant accounts, you may get your risk profile lowered. In order to lower your monthly volume, your sales can be assigned to you accounts effectively when you use different accounts.

Merchant Stronghold provides its merchants with the 3D secure processing option. This feature helps in lowering the risk profile of each merchant. In addition, merchants are bound to enjoy an additional backup security when they have multiple merchant accounts. Such security is truly beneficial in the event of an unforeseen termination by any acquiring bank. You may sit face to face with the Merchantstronghold representative to know more about the advantages of using different merchant accounts.

Thursday, 9 November 2017

High Risk Merchant Account Tips

We Are providing High-Risk Merchant Accounts Tips If You have a Business, you need to know about Merchant Account and also need a good merchant account for record keeping to credit card processing and for the chargeback investigation, Merchant Account Maybe your good Friend or the worse enemy. A good Merchant Account Provider understands the issues that will arise in your business, If you want to sell something online you need both a payment gateway and a merchant account, A Bad Merchant Account provider will fix you for industry-standard issues and A Merchant account due to their credit card issue. The fact is that many major merchant services providers are undecided to take on merchants with bad credit, often understand them to be too high of a risk for chargebacks and Fraud Prevention.

Below a few Tips Advice that can help your search.

The First one is, High-Risk Merchant Account looks at their respect in your business. Not with all business, but by the tech support business. Some claim to work will all “high-risk merchants account, but that is not big issues that occur in every single business. While they are all under the same “high risk” Merchants, tech support businesses have different issues. Be sure to network with local tech support merchants to learn of their merchant account decision, as this can help speed up your search.

If you work a tech support industry you need good credit card processing at affordable charges. Unfortunately, there are not various merchant account providers that provide Indian, U.S. or U.K based tech support industry with merchant accounts, and even fewer merchant account providers that offer reliable credit card processing at affordable charges
The second one is, ask questions, this may be a common understanding for the advice, but sometimes a merchant Provider is so rushed to Provide a merchant account that it is looking at Specific information, but does ask some questions. and the question is. Do you know your current processing fee schedule? if not, then you need to inquiries. Ask Questions. ask about Chargeback Insurance and inquiries. ask about the processing fee record, and if it rises when something arises in your industry. and Ask about termination charges. these things are very important, and they should be asked before you sign on with a merchant account processor.

Everything I know about A Merchant Account

If you need Merchant Account and If you are searching online for key phrases related to high-risk merchant accounts and provides of Visa, MasterCard, American Express, discover credit card processing services for high-risk business types and if you need some help. then you come to the right place #Merchant Stronghold. Almost everything you need to know about receiving credit cards in USA, UK, and Canada with a high-risk merchant account can be found here for our goal.